Vintage Trainers

The Brief
Did you know that 23 billion pairs of shoes are made every year and 22 billion are thrown into landfill? Well Vintage Trainers are doing their bit to reduce the environmental impact.
Started in June 2020 during the Covid pandemic, the team at Vintage Trainers realised there was a market for upcycling trainers. But their existing website didn’t reflect the environmentally friendly credentials and community ethos the company was all about.

Our Process
The existing site needed a complete re-vamp to fully portray the environmental benefits that upcycling trainers has, but also how giving back to their local community was important. This combined with a clean and fresh look allowing for a better user journey and experience meant that the site needed to work better for both customers whilst also ensuring that the back end functionality aligned with the company’s growing needs.
It was an obvious choice for Thrive to work with Vintage Trainers, their sustainability ethos and values are so important, why wouldn’t we want to work with a company promoting such great things. Added to which you can get a great pair of one-off trainers for a steal.
Our Solution
This time Thrive dived feet first into trainers. Understanding how customers use a site to buy shoes was clearly important but ensuring the client would come away with the right size was equally so, especially when the products you’re selling are one-offs, like in this case.
We ensured that search and filter facilities were set up so customers could search by size as well as brand and style. Giving a clean, easy to navigate site showcasing the products and services available.